My Blog

I suppose that this is really a blog, though I hesitate to call it that. The real bloggers seem so much more interesting. I cover stuff which I find interesting, and I hope that you will too.

If you really want, you can get an RSS feed of Chateau Gladstone news here:

For more information about what I'm interested in, see the Ponding pages.

Topic: Pond The Pondcam is BACK!
27 Aug 2001

I finally got around to replacing the pond cam. I'm using a small NTSC camera mounted inside the old housing. I'll update the camera construction web page over the next few days with more details.

The focus doesn't appear to be quite right, and the water is rather cloudy so the image is not all that it might be. I also haven't yet added the anti-fouling circuitry. I am using a glass view port rather than the pexiglass one which was starting to cloud up.



The Citizen Weather Observer Program is a loose collection of amateur weather station operators.

Open source audio/video streaming software -- this drives my pondcam

Information about SPF (Sender Permitted From)

Neat description of the Gunnera Manicata -- a truly monstrous plant!

The Doc Searls weblog -- he seems clueful and I read him.

Open source server for the Rio Receiver -- this is what I use.

Philip Gladstone